"La Una"

Jerry Des Roches

Searunner 37

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Builder:     Jerry Des Roches

Email to: Robert Des Roches

Boat Name:     La Una

Model:    Searunner 37

Sail Number:   1

Date Launched:     1971

Where Launched:    Santa Cruz, California

Present Location:     Unknown


La Una was built by Jerry Des Roaches between 1966 and 1970 in the back yard. After launching, 6 months were spent getting ready to cut ties with the land and take off. Heading down to Mexico for a year and then to Hawaii for a year to work. South via Fanning, Christmas, and American Samoa where he worked while sailing to Tonga a couple of times. Boat sold due to divorce in 1975 and delivered to Fiji. Found a Searunner 37, Leasiure V, sail number 5? for sale there for half the price so the cruising was not over after all. Where is La Una today? I have no idea. If you do know, please let me know. Robert Des Roches.

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